What Are The Signs Of Clairsentience?

Intuitive. Sensitive. Perceptive. Are these words people use to describe you? Maybe you are always worried you’re a bit too emotional - you feel deeply, and you let your gut instinct guide you in all ways. 

Clairsentience is commonly defined as a “clear feeling”. It refers to the ability to feel the past, the present, and the future emotional state of other people, even without using any of the five senses- sight, smell, hearing, tasting, or touching. It is also referred to as the sense of intuition because people who also have Clairsentient abilities can gather information from non-living materials such as buildings, or outside areas also without the use of the five senses. 

People who experience Clairsentience are affected by a myriad of different influences, but it all comes down to being sensitive to changes in energy.

If you are Clairsentient, you are capable of experiencing and feeling both inner and outer energy in a more intuitive way.

You Sense The Energy In A Room

Do you find yourself dramatically getting impacted by subtle alterations in your bedroom or workplace? Does clutter and untidiness in your environment feel like it is affecting your thinking and output so that you can’t really perform well? 

To me, a clean home, but even more than that - recently mopped floors - feels like someone just scrubbed my brain. 

You Are Super Sensitive To Your Environment

Have you ever walked into a room immediately following a heated debate, argument, or fight and becoming aware of what had transpired without having been informed by anyone or actually witnessing anything? 

This is called leftover energy and is one of the key signs that you’re Clairsentient. It’s the reason why crowded areas can be so draining for Clairsentients. 

Are you able to intuit information from undercurrents of emotions that you see in people? As a Clairsentient, you will feel strongly connected to your environment because it has its own energy that impacts on you. That’s why Clairsentient people are highly impacted by their surroundings.

You must often have wondered the cause of this discomfort without ever realizing what it was that you were truly experiencing. Clairsentience means that you become easily attuned to the energies around you, and this is not necessarily limited to the people you interact with. 

You Have Difficulty Dealing With Big Crowds

You might be susceptible to intercepting strong bouts of vibrations from a stranger passing by, or even from someone you’ve only been observing for a minute. When you participate in crowded social events do you often come back home feeling emotionally and mentally drained? 

Clairsentients experience energy more strongly than other people do. That’s why it feels draining if you engage with huge numbers of people for longer periods of time.

Imagine how exhausting it can be if you’re able to sense the emotions, feelings, and moods of the person standing next to you. Now, multiply that by a factor of ten, hundred or thousand.

That’s what Clairsentients can potentially feel when they are in a crowd. Public swimming pools, music concerts, and sports stadiums are some of the places that could often become no-go zones for Clairsentients.   

You Physically Feel Other People’s Pain

If you have Clairsentient abilities you are not only able to pick up on mental energy, but sometimes physical pain, too. You have extreme sensitivity for sentient beings (human, animal, nature) who are suffering and it makes you also feel their pain physically. If you experience this frequently, it is wise to protect yourself by avoiding those types of situations as often as you can.

This means, for example, that you shouldn’t work in a hospital or homeless-center, but instead work with happy kids, an animal sanctuary, or puppy training.

People Think You Are Too Sensitive

Were you tagged as ‘over-sensitive’ during your childhood? 

Do emotional movies make you cry? Do you find it difficult to watch the news?

Do you have strong gut feelings about people when you meet them? Have you ever experienced people coming to you as a go-to-person when it comes to gut feeling? Or can you feel other people’s feelings or next moves without having any interaction with them at all? 

Do you often create intense emotional connections with certain people? Are you a person who knows things without being told? Does your mood change quickly and unexpectedly? 

Your ability to receive psychic information is through sensing and feeling the energies around you. Your ability allows you to understand other people’s feelings, by tuning into them, and this is commonly known as telepathy. 

Energies are both positive and negative and for Clairsentients, the ability to differentiate between them allows them to explore their gift and navigate through the harsh waters of the psychic world without getting too overwhelmed.

Clairsentience vs. Empathy

Clairsentients can better understand the emotions of others including people who might have trouble coming to terms with or understanding their emotions themselves. 

While this may sound similar to describing empathy, it is certainly not the same. While empathy flourishes when you imagine yourself in the other person’s shoes, Clairsentience doesn’t work that way. 

Clairsentients can read the energy signatures of both animate and inanimate objects. You may also serve as a medium for people to connect to their dead family members and relay information by your ability to feel. 

If you become experienced at honing this psychic ability, you will be able to offer true advice that will prevent others from making mistakes and help to lead your clients only in the direction that they want to go. 

Learning To Hone Your Abilities

Once you’ve come to terms with your Clairsentience, you can start focusing on methods to further enhance your abilities. You can make use of ‘psychometry’ which is the practice of trying to pinpoint the energy of an object. To do this, you can grab any object with which you previously didn't have any sentimental association, and try to intuit the origin of its energy. You can rub the object between your fingers or place it against your palm to try and discern the kind of energy it emanates. If you’re a novice, then metallic objects such as wedding rings and bracelets are your instruments of learning since energy is naturally drawn to metal. 

You can meditate inside a crystal grid. You must be familiar with the notion that some crystals such as jasper (empowering), obsidian (protective), amethyst (sincerity) and citrine (optimism), all have healing properties. By placing these crystals or others that complement your needs, in the four corners of your room, you can successfully create a crystal grid for yourself to meditate in. This will enable you to balance your heart chakra and simultaneously access all your Clairsentient abilities have to offer. 

You might be wondering how practitioners of this art have any time at all left for themselves and how they compartmentalize their own emotions? Mother nature assists in this process and lends to Clairsentients its own energy so that they can recharge. It’s important to revitalize your reserves in natural settings and from a pure source, the same as drinking water from a clean well. Clairsentients can also learn to shield themselves from ruthless or dark energies. This can be achieved by praying, asking the universe or divine for protection against fears and negativity, or by learning how to protect yourself through a sacred Reiki symbol, a Clairvoyant tool called an “Energetic Protection Rose”, and can also be accomplished by learning to feel one thing at a time. 

For those interested in learning more about how to increase your own Clairsentience, while protecting your energetic field from daily irritants and stress, head over here to receive my Free Intuitive Meditation to teach you an Energetic Protection Rose, or to learn more about receiving a Reiki attunement go here.


The Gift Of Psychic Knowing


Discover Your Clairaudience