The Gift Of Psychic Knowing

A Claircognizant is a person who simply knows things about the future. Cognizance means knowledge or awareness and so Claircognizants have the psychic intuition of clear thinking.

It’s the feeling of just ‘knowing’ something and learning to trust or act upon the information you receive. It may present itself when you are asked a question, and you immediately know the right answer even though you have no background knowledge on the topic. 

Claircognizance is also when you have premonitions about the outcomes of certain events, with regular accuracy. 

This intuitive ability can apply to any part of a person’s life and is one of the most challenging abilities to discern. This is in part because Claircognizance seems commonplace to many people, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Some examples of claircognizance include being able to finish sentences or knowing the end to a movie.

Or have you ever taken the wrong turn, to miss the traffic or accident you hear about later? Have you ever left home just in time to miss a difficult situation or outcome?

These premonitions turn out to be true without any logical or physical evidence to support them. You just know what to do. You are being divinely guided.

How Exactly Does It Work?

Claircognizant information often comes in like a light bulb illuminating suddenly within your head, or like a drum-beat. It’s a quick flash - a snapshot of an idea. 

Your own self-led thoughts tend to be more circular, something you have been considering over time, or thinking about for a while.

This information comes in so fast, that you often need to write it down right away before you forget it.

Most of the time - it’s a sudden stroke of insight or genius that solves the situation.

These bright, intuitive thoughts of Claircognizance frequently appear when you are working, driving, showering, or doing something completely unrelated to whatever the idea might be about.

Born Lucky

People who are Claircognizant possess an analytical mind and are criminally adept at synthesizing information and turning it from an abstraction into something concrete. I term them ‘seekers’, and in the pure philosophical sense they may also practice the Greek deductive art of subjecting doxa (opinion) to logos (logic & and in this case, intuition) to attain episteme (knowledge). Always betting on the right horse and appearing “lucky” with situations turning out in their favor, Claircognizants simply know the truth.

Some consider Claircognizance to draw its energy from the Akashic records which are present in another dimension called the Akasha. The concept is similar to string theory and quantum mechanics. This dimension is a database of all that has happened, is happening and will happen, and the records are like infinite vinyls containing information from a thousand (or more) years before, as well as a thousand (or more) years after. The laws of metaphysics don’t apply here because time does not run linearly in the Akasha. This makes sense since supra-intellectual wisdom must be obtained from something that is above and beyond our rational human consciousness. 

An Artists Gifts

It is believed that the crown chakra, the chakra that links the mundane to the divine and allows a direct channel for enlightenment and inspiration, must be nourished by meditating and repeating the mantra ‘I know.’ In this repeated sonic vibration in combination with opening up to your inner knowing, the information from your higher self, or other intergalactic beings, angels, or archangels need you to know will be clearly illuminated and received.

Famous artists or writers are also said to possess the gift of Claircognizance and they hone this through the process through the gift of ‘automatic writing.’ The idea is to keep a pen and a notepad with you at all times, or you can sit and envision your crown chakra opening through meditation. Once inspiration strikes, grab your pen and notepad and start writing. Focus only on which flows naturally and don’t force yourself to write. If the words come, let them, and if they don’t, keep your ego in check so as to not disrupt the crown chakra by giving more importance to your individualistic ideas. 

Positive And Negatives Of Being Claircognizant

Similar to Clairsentients, which I wrote about a few weeks ago, practitioners and inheritors of Claircognizance are better adjusted to differentiate between truth and lies. For instance, while I am listening to you speak, I am able to catch you in the act of lying. I am able to both feel, sense, see and know your truth - especially if your words are not in alignment with your higher purpose or inner truth. I know when you are being dishonest or insincere, and I’ve been doing this without trying as far back as I can remember.

I also use my Claircognizance to prioritize and guide my life. Since childhood, I’ve also used this ability to find lost or missing items. Whenever I receive information in this immediate way, I quickly act upon the guidance, because I also know I’m receiving higher guidance and wisdom, and it is not just my ego trying to solve a problem. 

This intuitive ability is not all sunshine and rainbows however. I have a pretty bad habit of cutting others off during conversations. Most of the time, this can get pretty annoying for the person on the receiving end. In my defense, I’m not trying to be rude - my mind is constantly bombarded with information and I feel incredibly pressured (with urgency) to blurt out whatever comes to my head. It feels all-of-a-sudden obvious. Over time, I have trained myself to ask for permission by saying, “Would you like to know why?”, when others seem to be slowed down or stumped by their current circumstances or choices.

When it comes to my conversations, I am generally sharing what the other person was intending to say or deeply grappling with articulating. I will also finish your sentences, or know exactly what you have been trying to tell me - like I’m pulling your words from the ethers.

Signs You Are Claircognizant

If you’re someone who falls asleep with a million pressing questions and yet are able to wake up with a clear head, then you too might possess the ability of Claircognizance. Since your subconscious mind is sitting in the driver’s seat when your eyelids are too heavy to blink, it can form associations and receive inspiration from the psychic world so that when you wake up, you have all the answers (or at least some) but you don’t always know how you got them. 

If you have ever felt that information just suddenly springs into your head from nowhere, and you receive guidance or knowledge that you know in your heart is true, you might be claircognizant. 

If it feels like you can somehow ‘download’ information from an unknown source whenever you want and you receive insights into everyday events, then this is another sign.

The difference between Claircognizance and Clairvoyance is whereas a clairvoyant will see things in their mind’s eye, a claircognizant just knows things in their own mind. We do not feel it, hear it or see it, we simply know it in advance. 

Since Claircognizance is a collaboration between the vessel and the spiritual, one can argue that practitioners of this art serve a higher purpose, believe in something larger than themselves, while focusing their efforts towards the collective good of society. This is not to say that they are weak at collaboration with other individuals, but one might say that they can become a bit difficult in their haste to get the work done. 

The Virtues Of Discipline

If you tend to be a constant thinker who wants to learn all the time and is always gathering information, with a little practice, you can hone your Claircognizant skills and perfect this remarkable ability to intuitively know about the future.

Positive affirmations are a tried and tested way to gain control over your Claircognizant abilities. So, if you want to improve your claircognizant abilities, you need to set the intention that you wish for intuitive guidance.

Write your intention down and read it or say it aloud twice a day. By setting the intention and repeating it, the things you’ve wished for will come to you and you will start to strengthen your ability. 

Viewing yourself as a mere vessel and nothing more can be beneficial for priests and nuns but the function of a Claircognizant is to live this life to the fullest and to accept your gifts by cherishing them. Positive affirmations can be in the form of a prayer, mantra or sacrosanct idioms recited on the rosary, such as:

  • ‘I listen to my intuition and my higher self’

  • ‘I am connected to my higher power’

  • ‘I am vicariously aligned with my authentic self.’ 

If you are interested in improving your Claircognizance, please download an original recording of 50 Crown Chakra Affirmations, by clicking on the highlighted link.


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