Discover Your Clairaudience

                           “Seek the meaning and purpose behind the voices you hear, 

                                The likes of which are totally inaudible to a normal ear.”

Are you able to hear voices internally, different than your thoughts? How about footsteps when nobody is there? Have you ever experienced ringing in your ears?

Do you ever have conversations with yourself, receiving answers you didn't expect?

Does inspiration and creativity comes naturally to you? Are you highly sensitive and easily pick-up on other's emotions?

Do you have conversations in your daydreams, or did you have an “imaginary” friend with whom you spoke with as a child? A lot of times as children, we call in spirits to assist us, and by inviting that energy in and developing a relationship with this particular being, we develop our Clairaudience. A clairaudient hears messages from spirit guides, angels, or the dead, receiving assistance from the spirit world.

What is Clairaudience?

Clairaudience is the ability to hear psychic messages or tones. These may be external, coming from a source outside your head, or may be internal (a voice in your head). Audient powers can vary enormously: they can include hearing familiar voices, such as those of a loved one who has passed away, or even noises that barely sound human at all. Clairaudience can also include dream discussions that take place while you are sleeping.

Clairaudience is one ability among other psychic powers in the "clair" group. Clairaudience and Clairvoyance (the ability to receive messages in the form of symbols and visions) are very similar abilities, either the ‘seeing' and ‘hearing' of the things which are beyond the reach of normal eyes and ears. There is also Claircognizance (the ability to clearly know), and Clairsentience (the ability to feel sensations or emotions that provide guidance).

When it comes to any psychic abilities, most people believe that these are only granted to the “gifted”, while the truth is, everyone is born with such extraordinary abilities. Some who are able to identify it within themselves at a young age might have the opportunity to enhance their ability, while some remain unaware, and the ability starts to fade away.

The true marker of this talent is that these messages serve a useful purpose. The messages provide guidance in moments of crisis, such as accounts of people seeing a guardian angel. The “clairs” generally become more pronounced in children who were born into abusive families, as an additional means for survival. The spirit world stays in close contact with these children, to help direct them when none else will.

Such is the case when the person possessing this ability has spent most of their lifetime, or extended periods of life, alone or isolated, having no one along his side to share experiences with. Thus, he tends to build the unseen connections with inaudible voices to others around, in order to have someone to talk to. 

A Doorway To The Spiritual Realm

A psychic medium uses Clairaudience to connect with the other spiritual beings around us, and share messages, which is known as channeling. The spirits might sometimes attempt to have a talk with the listener, or they might reach out in need. Thus, Clairaudience can be used as a way to connect with the spiritual world or the spirits, specifically when one desires to reconnect with someone who has passed over into the spirit realm. The voices often come through as an answer to a question, to assist the listener with anything they may be struggling with.

Masterminds, sages, and spiritual gurus, assert that Clairaudience is the language of God. They claim to regard the voices as divine messages, signals or guidance.

What Does It feel Like To Be Clairaudient?

Without proper boundaries, a Clairaudient may always feel like someone is calling him for help by either calling his name out or attempting to have a conversation with him. Sometimes the voices are departed ones who want to reconnect themselves with their people living in this world. The messages may also be a signal from a spirit to reveal something only known to the recipient.

The inner voices that a Clairaudient hears often helps him with a significant transition or trauma by providing advice, truth and wisdom. Hence, with proper instruction and boundaries, Clairaudience can be regarded as a blessing..

Like other kinds of psychics, Clairaudients work by tapping into your energy. They then listen for guidance related to your question. The answers they get come in the form of noises and sounds, leading to a unique experience for the asker.

Psychics with clairaudience have the unique ability to discuss topics with those in the spirit realm. This means that they can guide the conversation in ways that other psychics cannot, centering the discussion around topics that are most important to the asker.

What is The Difference Between Clairaudience And A Mental Illness?

People often confuse Clairaudience with Schizophrenia, however both cases are different due to boundaries, consent and relationship. The key difference is the amount of distress these messages bring you, and the amount of control you have over them.

Clairaudience is an ability where the listener’s instincts and intuitive power are used to help him to interpret the voices in order to make some meaning out of them. In the case of mental illness (possibly Schizophrenia), the person is annoyed by the voices and the sounds, stressing him more and more.

If you are experiencing anxiety or confusion around the noises you hear, see a licensed professional (a doctor or a therapist) immediately. This is especially true if the voices are causing disruption in your social relationships.

Clairaudients use their ability to moderate their experiences with spirits or beings, to give feedback and explain when their guidance is needed. If your voices are intrusive, this is one of the top signs to seek help, guidance, or instruction.

What Questions Should You Ask Clairaudients?

Specialists in Clairaudience are excellent advisors to consult when you are making a choice. This could be at a moment of crisis or a crossroads in your life. Their connection with their guides can help you choose the best path to take.

Similarly, these psychics are a good choice when you need to know invisible factors influencing your current situation. We all have blind spots that affect us in our daily lives. Connecting with a Clairaudient can bring these issues into the light.

For those interested in learning more about how to increase your own Clairaudience, Opening To Channel by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer is a great place to start. To find out more, read reviews, or purchase this book go here.


What Are The Signs Of Clairsentience?


Understanding Your Clairvoyant Abilities