Understanding Your Clairvoyant Abilities

I’m always shocked by how many people have lived their entire lives with the gift of clairvoyance but never realized the power they possessed.

Clients often reach out with a similar concern, “how do I know if I’m clairvoyant or not?” There isn’t a simple answer. But there are ways to figure it out.

I usually ask several questions as a way to get a definite answer. For instance, is sight your superpower? Can you see different colored lights around people?

Do you find yourself incredibly moved by beautiful things such as sculptures, flowers, and other physical objects? Do you ever see glittering lights, floating shadows, or colored dots in the air?

These are some of the things that spiritually gifted clairvoyants experience. Have you been asking yourself whether or not you might be Clairvoyant?

What is Clairvoyance

Clairvoyance can be thought of as a form of visual intuition where the wielder of this ability has access to psychic sight; Clair’ meaning clear and ‘voyant’ translating to seeing. This psychic ability allows you to tap into the knowledge of your soul, and the collective knowledge of all souls of the universe, including those of the past and those not manifested yet.

If you are clairvoyant, you’re able to receive intuitive information through colors, images, visions, dreams, and symbols. This “inner seeing” is very subtle most of the time and will typically happen within your mind’s eye.

It is in the awakening of the mind’s eye that one becomes a clairvoyant and is able to see things outside of the normal sense perceptions. This extra-sensory ability allows a clairvoyant to see energetic frequencies outside of the constraints of time and physical reality. This can include an individual’s auras, chakras and some can have visions of future events that are yet to happen (Precognition), past events that have already happened (Retro cognition) or a different, more spiritual take on something that is the midst of happening (Remote viewing). 

You may experience these visions in your dreams when you are floating above the physical realm, or during the day when something as inconspicuous as a fortuitous encounter, a grazing of the hands against an unusual object, catching a familiar scent, or a human contact, might be enough to trigger a vision. 

Shedding Light on the Mystery

It’s not strange that you confused your clairvoyant abilities with imagination or wandering of the mind. This is actually quite common!

Our intuitive abilities manifest from the same side – the right side – of the brain that houses our creative centers, including imagination. And this imagination carries the seeds of clairvoyant visions and shapes.

They’ll manifest in the same way as other creative and free expressions of your soul – with imagery.

How Do We “Lose” Our Clairvoyant Abilities

Clairvoyants are both esoteric and exoteric in nature, meaning they are both deeply connected to their inner selves and to their surroundings. This connection may very well be the source of their psychic abilities. It can be argued that almost everyone was once clairvoyant as a child, as the imagination of children knows no bounds. Why then, do children stop being ambassadors of psychic intuition as they grow older? 

Once the analytical mind of the child starts developing, somewhere around the age of seven, she may sidestep imagination, thinking it to be a waste of time as is perpetuated and modeled by our parents and society at large. Therefore she may choose logic as her guide in this world. In doing so, she ends up suppressing part of her own nature, albeit unknowingly. Another possibility is that the child may have had a frightening vision that subconsciously forced him to detach from her psychic abilities as a defense mechanism - blocking any information coming through. 

Signs of Clairvoyance

Nostradamus, a French astrologer, was said to be a clairvoyant, wrote a series of prophecies, some of which have been deemed accurate such as: 'Within two cities, there will be scourges the like of which was never seen.' His enthusiasts have often linked this to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. You don’t have to hold a candle to Nostradamus’ abilities and predictions to be considered a clairvoyant. In fact, you may already be one without having realized it, so let’s talk about some signs that might help you identify this extrasensory perception.

1) You love to visualize, whether it’s trying to grasp a difficult concept, meaning you’re a visual learner, or getting ready to meet a friend for dinner. You benefit from being able to visualize the situation beforehand and this may actually calm your nerves and put you at ease. Your visualization prowess surpasses limits to the point where little details also stand out and become prominent. This is a clear indication that you are a natural clairvoyant!

2) Seeing is believing. You are able to perceive and at times actually see the auras emitted by others. These auras may be in a form a halo, a cloud hanging over someone’s head, or the energy of a chakra that emits radiations of energy. Also, this isn’t necessarily limited to humans but to all things containing a life-force such as animals and plants.

3) One of the most common signs of clairvoyance is vivid dreaming i.e., when you dream in color and remember your dreams even after waking up. You can hone this skill by keeping a dream journal which will in turn hone your observational faculties in the dream plane. The next step is lucid dreaming i.e., when you’re able to actually interact with the ebb and flow of your dreams and change the outcomes. Mastery over this form can also be achieved and a simple way is to repeat a short mantra before going to sleep. Something like ‘I’m the one in control of my dreams,’ should suffice. 

4) Catching a glimpse of something in the corner of your eye. This usually lasts a split second and often, you don’t know what to make of it but focusing your mind’s eye might actually help you freeze the frame and take a closer look at the object that was previously evading your consciousness. This can be achieved by rigorous meditation and could lead to some cues about future events. 

 Tips To Enhance Your Clairvoyant Abilities

Picasso eventually mastered his gifts, and so can you. Here are a few tips for the clairvoyant with newly discovered abilities:

  • Don’t doubt what you can do. When the body and mind are relaxed, intuitive experiences happen. You can strengthen your clairvoyant abilities by observing what is happening to your body. Focus on your energy levels and pay attention to how you feel around other people.

  • Strengthen your third eye. One key to dealing with clairvoyance is honing your abilities and gaining as much control over them as possible. Doing this takes away some of the fear and anxiety that plagues the untrained psychic. This is because you’ll see most of your visions inside your mind’s third eye. Working on opening and strengthening this chakra center is critical.

  • Practice using your abilities deliberately. If you are in a place with lots of people, try to see their auras. Close your eyes and visualize flowers, numbers, and other objects. When you see a Spirit or orb out of the corner of your eye, don’t run from it. Instead, focus on ‘seeing beyond.’

  • Meditate often. Even though this is the most practice for a clairvoyant, this tip is one that has become almost cliche. It is through meditation that all people, even those who don’t consider themselves psychic, can improve their intuition and connection to self. I have known people who lived their whole lives with limited psychic ability to become spiritual rockstars after a few months of meditating. So, if you don’t know much about meditation, do some research and give it a try.

To wrap things up, you have clairvoyant abilities if you have strong gut feelings that often come true or vivid dreams and visions that sooner or later become a reality. Otherwise, you may be seeing lights and colors around living beings. If you feel like you possess all these, then there is a great chance that you have Clairvoyant abilities, which you can channel in and enhance for the greater good.

For those interested in learning more about how to increase your own Clairvoyance, Awakening the Third Eye by Samuel Sagen is a great place to start. To find out more, read reviews, or purchase this book go here.


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