Andrea Love

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What is Intuitive Healing?

Intuitive Healing is a diverse method of intentional and appropriated actions, alternative healing methods and insights to assist in the restorative process of individuals. This is done through the ability of the Intuitive Healer to connect to a Higher Power, God/Goddess/ All that is, Source, or Life force Energy. The Intuitive healer has a vast understanding of how the body’s natural energetic fields work and flow through the system and channels of the individual. Intuitive healing is a method that encompasses and works on the whole of the person on the emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual level. 

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How does it work? The Intuitive healer uses their gifts, which come in forms such as visual, audial, or deep knowing and feeling, to receive spiritual guidance for the individual they are working with. This gives them the ability to unlock issues within that person's energetic system which are keeping them from living their most aligned, balanced, joyous life. When I ask my guides how to describe intuitive healing, they show me a toothed wheel slowing clicking from one gear to the next. The gears represent places where someone may have blocks, traumas, stuck or stagnant energy, and imbalances. Intuitive healing is a technique that facilitates the wheel becoming smooth again. It provides one with the ability to easily roll through life in optimal health and well being.

During an Intuitive Healing session, the Practitioner and the client are working together to create a shift in the energetic system of the client. This shift moves through the subtle energetic bodies and eventually is felt in the physical. The goal of the Practitioner is to get to the root of what is ailing the client through their spiritual guidance and intuition. Intuition being the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. With this expanded knowledge, the Practitioner brings awareness to the client so that the client can use the information to work through releasing the energy that is stuck in the body that is causing them dis-ease, stress, pain, anxiety or discomfort. In addition, the Practitioner will provide tools to the client to assist in the releasing and integrating process.

These will differ from person to person but may include:

·         Self-care

·         Journaling prompts

·         Mantras and affirmations

·         Dietary changes

·         Exercise or yoga

·         Sound healing

·         Herbal supplements

·         Acupuncture for chronic pain

·         Rest and meditation

·         Increased hydration

·         Electronic curfews

·         Energy healing services

How many sessions needed will depend completely on the client and their individual situation, goals, and desires. For some one may be enough, for others it could be a process that lasts years. It is hard to go into detail about what a session looks like since like each person, each process is completely unique. But I can say this; Intuitive healing is an effective, efficient, and powerful method that I see becoming increasingly popular amongst those who are searching for self-actualization and liberation from suffering. It is a process that has personally shifted my world for the better. I have personally seen and heard numerous accounts of transformative and life-changing results from work with Intuitive healers. If you have found yourself on this page, reading this article then I would say you are being called to give it a try yourself. Start with one session and see how it goes, what do you have to lose?

More information about each of my Intuitive Healing Sessions, or additional individual services can be found on my website here.