Eastern Body Western Mind

Eastern Body Western Mind by Anodea Judith is not just a book to read, it is a 'work book' for healing the soul's wounds accumulated over a life time; and learning how to live in a healthier, more balanced and self loving way.

This book has helped reveal new eye-opening information around the development of the chakra patterns, how to keep them in balance, and does a wonderful job of blending both psychology and spirituality in a way that is comprehendible and transformative.

Anodea Judith starts by explaining the seven chakras; their location in the body, central issue, orientation to self, goals, rights, developmental stage, identity, demon, element, excessive characteristics, and deficient characteristics.

For me personally, the developmental stages of the chakras was the most pivotal section of this part of the book. I was the earliest case of asthma my pediatrician had ever seen, and instead, at 18 months was mis-diagnosed with Bronchitis. On my way home from the Dr.’s office in the car with my mother, I turned blue and stopped breathing. One of my earliest memories is my near death experience, and being brought back to life in the emergency room.

That event alone would have had such an effect on the development of my charkas, and therefore some of my internal blocks, patterns, and physical health.

Eastern Body Western Mind goes through so much detailed information about each chakra as well as practices to heal them. Anodea uses real life stories and situations that help piece what is a vast and complex subject together in a way that I was able to effectively grasp to create change in my life. Each chapter brought up so many issues I thought I had already processed and dealt with. I may have, but never so deeply and mindfully with a focus on healing myself as a whole; body, soul, mind and spirit.

I would highly recommend this book to any one who likes to dive into their own healing work. It is not a fast read, or at least wasn’t for me. It goes deep. Deep into areas that you may not want to face head on. But those are the places we need to go in order to heal completely.

My advice is to take this book one section at a time, set a schedule for yourself as if you were taking a class. One hour a week would be required to work through this book and incorporate some of the practices into your day to day life. You will see changes, learn a lot about yourself, and why you are the way you are and hopefully you will be able to have a breakthrough on at least one area of your life that you’ve been feeling stuck, resistance, or just unsure of how to conquer.

After reading this book, I am now able to both ground myself and tap into universal connectivity and consciousness for limitless possibilities. I can pull that universal energy down through my chakras to manifest anything I can conceive of. I worked on the areas that needed attention with a new awareness, and now I know where I still need to keep working.

Thank you Anodea for this book, it is a gift to us all.

To find out more, read reviews, or purchase this book go here.


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