Andrea Love

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What is Energy Healing?

Energy Healing is a potent tool and therapy that helps us to connect to our source of vibrancy and life force. This ancient medicine supports the flow of energy by removing blocks that may result in physical pain, emotional imbalance, and spiritual stagnation.

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Energy healing is done on the level of the energetic or vibrational, subtle body that is connected to the vital force. There are many different forms of energy healing that exist today but they all have one common theme. This theme or desired outcome is to return the clients essence back to its most divine state, its highest vibration and purest form. The state that is unwounded, without limits, restrictions or blockages. When these are removed, it stimulates the bodies natural ability to heal itself.

Most people turn to energy healing or other holistic practices when they have a physical, mental, or emotional ailment and have tried conventional and traditional methods; however nothing seems to work. This is when they begin to seek out alternative methods of healing. Since everything starts as energy, if something has manifested into the physical it is your soul’s way of getting your attention. There is a message that is trying to be conveyed to you from your soul or your higher Self that is important for you to know.

That message is attached to the beliefs you carry about yourself, and the world around you. Your beliefs are the key to your understanding of the state of your well-being. You have an amazing resource of energy, and it can change any situation very rapidly through energetic vibration. Every experience or challenge you face, is about bringing you closer to love - to loving yourself more. Energy healing can remove the blocks to your deeper awareness and understanding of what is unresolved, restricting or limiting in your life.

Receiving an energy healing is a way to restore the vital force and balance within and recalibrate to your natural state. It gives you insight into how you should be feeling on a day to day basis;  whole, vibrant and joyful with an overall feeling of being well. Energy healing allows us to have more acceptance, ease and vibrancy in our lives.

Similar to the acupuncture points, energy healing is done through working with the meridians of the body which furthermore correspond to the chakras. Chakras are the bodies energetic information and transmission centers. There are thousands of chakras located in the bodies energy field, but we primarily work with seven that exist within the physical body. One way energy healers work is by clearing and balancing these centers using an energy called Reiki.

If you are wondering if energy healing is for you, the answer is yes! Energy healing is not here to replace Western Medicine modalities but it is very complementary to it. If you are feeling stressed, anxious, or tense energy healing can help bring some peace back to your system. If you are feeling good, energy healing can give you a boost and make you feel even better. It is a high vibrational healing technique that helps to upgrade and restore your own vibrational essence.

There are tools you can also use at home to keep your space and energy clear and vibrant:

·         Smudge yourself and your home with sage or palo santo to clear negativity from your energy field or space

·         Ask your energy healer for tools on how to keep your energy at its best- some I use are violet flame meditations, running my energy, protection roses and more.

·         Surround yourself with bright white or golden light through out the day or each morning before you get our of bed

·         Crystals are your friends and carry with them their own healing properties

·         Epsom salt baths or foot baths to help clear you of heaviness

Just as there are many forms of energy healing there are many energy healers in the world. It is important to find one that you feel comfortable with, that is aligned with your highest good, and works with a modality of healing that you resonate with.  If you are interested in learning more about energy healing and the services I offer please reach out to me, or view my offerings. I am confident that I can help you feel and be the divine individual you are meant to be, and booking an Intuitive Healing Session is a great place to start!