The Healing Power of Music

From the view point of quantum physics, there are several things that affect your vibration or frequency. These are: your thoughts, the people around you, music, what you watch or look at, your physical atmosphere, words you (or others) speak, and the act of gratitude. For the sake of this post, we will focus on music and how it can affect human beings on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.

The energetic vibration of music is the key to understanding the physiological effect it creates on our overall system. When these vibrations resonate as at particular frequency, it results in an interference which can be either constructive or destructive.

However, there are several frequencies which are known to create constructive patterns within the brain. These patterns can enhance the brain functioning and neuroplasticity, helping us re-pattern our brain. In addition, selective frequencies of music can effect us on physiological and emotional levels. These frequencies are called Solfeggio frequencies, and can be found in both Binaural Beats, as well as Isochronic Tones.

Solfeggio frequencies speak of particular tones of sound that aid and promote various aspects of body and mind health. These frequencies are said to date back to ancient history. They are believed to be the fundamental sounds used in both Western Christianity and Eastern Indian religions, chanted by Gregorian Monks and in Ancient Indian Sanskrit chants.  These frequencies became lost in time, but Dr. Joseph Puleo rediscovered Solfeggio frequencies in the 1970’s and brought them back to societal awareness.

In his studies, he used mathematical numeral reduction to identify six measurable tones that bring the body back in balance and aid in healing. The Solfeggio frequencies were believed to have a profound affect on the conscious and subconscious mind, stimulate healing and promoting vitality. Since Puleo’s reintroduced the Solfeggio frequencies, many scientists have discovered more evidence supporting the positive effects that these frequencies have on the human body.

Why does the Solfeggio frequencies cause such positive effects on the body? The answer lies in the Schumann resonance. The Schumann resonance, founded by Winfried Otto Schumann, is in essence, the Earth’s heartbeat. The electromagnetic waves of the electrically charged part of the Earth’s atmosphere, resonates at a low frequency ranging from 7.86hz to 8hz. Herbert Konig, then studied the connection between the Schumann resonance and found them to match various levels of human brain activity by comparing EEG recordings with the Earth’s electromagnetic fields.  He discovered that the resonances matched five different brainwave states: delta, theta, alpha, beta and gamma. These are the brainwave states that occur naturally during all daily activities.

Broken down, these brainwave states are:

  • Delta waves (. 5 to 3 Hz) Delta brainwaves are the slowest, highest amplitude brain waves, and are what we experience when we are asleep. 

  • Theta waves (3 to 8 Hz) Theta brainwaves occur most often in sleep but are also dominant in deep meditation. Theta brainwaves represent a day dreamy, spacey state of mind that is associated with mental inefficiency. At very slow levels, theta brain wave activity is a very relaxed state, representing the twilight zone between waking and sleep. 

  • Alpha waves (8 to 12 Hz) Alpha brainwaves are dominant during quietly flowing thoughts, and in some meditative states. Alpha brainwaves are slower and larger. They are associated with a state of relaxation and represent the brain shifting into an idling gear, waiting to respond when needed. If we close our eyes and begin picturing something peaceful, there is an increase in alpha brainwaves. 

  • Beta waves (12 to 38 Hz) Beta brainwaves are small, faster brainwaves associated with a state of mental, intellectual activity and outwardly focused concentration. This is basically state of alertness.

  • Gamma waves (38 to 42 Hz) Gamma brainwaves are the fastest and most subtle brain waves. Gamma rhythms regulate perception and consciousness.


The Solfeggio frequencies have such positive effects on our systems because they resonate in the harmony with the Schumann resonance of 8hz. Musically speaking, the frequencies are derived by beginning at 8hz and working up the musical scale. I love listening to Theta or Delta waves, Binaural Beats, or Isochronic Tones before I sleep because it helps my match the resonance and therefore fall into deep sleep. I also listen while I am working, or even during meditation to increase and enhance my psychic abilities.

The Solfeggio frequencies include a number of different tones which each have their own unique healing effects on the body and mind. Let’s explore these:

396 Hz. Intent: turning grief into joy, liberating guilt & fear. This frequency liberates the energy and has beneficial effects on feelings of guilt. It cleanses the feeling of guilt, which often represents one of the basic obstacles to realization, enabling achievement of goals in the most direct way. The Ut tone releases you from the feelings of guilt and fear by bringing down defense mechanisms. 396 Hz frequency searches out hidden blockages, subconscious negative beliefs, and ideas that have led to your present situations. (Associated with Root Chakra)

417 Hz. Intent: undoing situations and facilitating change. The next main tone from the Solfeggio scale produces energy to bring about change. This frequency cleanses traumatic experiences and clears destructive influences of past events. When speaking of cellular processes, tone Re encourages the cell and its functions in an optimal way. 417 Hz frequency puts you in touch with an inexhaustible source of energy that allows you to change your life. (Associated with Sacral Chakra)

528 Hz. Intent: transformation and miracles (DNA repair). Tone Mi is used to return human DNA to its original, perfect state. This frequency brings transformation and miracles into your life. The process of DNA reparation is followed by beneficial effects – increased amount of life energy, clarity of mind, awareness, awakened or activated creativity, ecstatic states like deep inner peace, dance and celebration. Tone Mi activates your imagination, intention and intuition to operate for your highest and best purpose. (Associated with Solar Plexus Chakra)

639 Hz. Intent: re-connecting with family and balancing, relationships. Another frequency from the sacred Solfeggio scale. It enables creation of harmonious community and harmonious interpersonal relationships. Tone Fa can be used for dealing with relationships problems – in one’s family, between partners, friends or social problems. When talking about cellular processes, 639 Hz frequency can be used to encourage the cell to communicate with its environment. This ancient Solfeggio frequency enhances communication, understanding, tolerance and love. (Associated with Heart Chakra)

741 Hz. Intent: solving problems, expressions/solutions. It cleans the cell from toxins. Frequent use of 741 Hz leads to a healthier, simpler life, and to changes in diet towards foods which are not poisoned by various kinds of toxins. Tone Sol cleans the cell from different kinds of electromagnetic radiations. Another application of this sound frequency is solving problems of any nature. The fifth frequency of the Solfeggio scale will also lead you into the power of self-expression, which results in a pure and stable life. (Associated with Throat Chakra)

852 Hz. Intent: awakening intuition, returning to spiritual order Tone La is linked to your ability to see through the illusions of your life, such as hidden agendas of people, places and things. This frequency can be used as a means for opening a person up for communication with the all-embracing Spirit. It raises awareness and lets you return to spiritual order. Regarding cellular processes, 852 Hz enables the cell to transform itself into a system of higher level. (Associated with Third Eye Chakra)

963 Hz. This tone awakens any system to its original, perfect state. According to Dr. Horowitz, this frequency re-connects the individual with the Spirit, or the non-vibrational energies of the spiritual world. It enables us to experience Oneness – our true nature. (Associated with Crown Chakra)

174 Hz. The lowest of the tones appears to be a natural anesthetic. It tends to reduce pain physically and emotionally. 174 Hz frequency gives organs a sense of security, safety and love, encouraging them to do their best.

285 Hz. This frequency helps return tissue to its original blueprint or form. 285 Hz influences energy fields, sending them a message to restructure damaged organs. It also leaves the body rejuvenated and energized.

Since discovering these frequencies and incorporating them into my daily practices I have learned to appreciate music as the powerful tool that it is. Music is free therapy. I can attest to it bringing me back into balance and helping me heal. Just like everything else, if it makes you feel good, you’ll choose to use it more often. I use these frequencies daily now, before or during meditation, while concentrating on my work, while taking a bath, or just before bed. I invite you to choose the frequency that stands out most to you and start there, tune in, let yourself tune out the rest of the world and let the music heal you.

You can find playlists on Spotify and Youtube. My personal favorite is Steven Halpern’s music on Spotify.

* Here are some of my personal favorites on YouTube:


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