Andrea Love

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What is Reiki?

I oftentimes get asked, "What is Reiki?".

The word Reiki is made up of two Japanese words, Rei which means “God’s wisdom” and Ki which means “life force energy”. It is a spiritual healing technique which allows for channeled energy to enter a client’s body, ultimately restoring overall well-being and bringing individuals to a higher vibrational state. 

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Reiki energy originates in the highest dimension and is the vibration of love, harmony, and healing. Receiving Reiki brings about feelings of calm and ease, and aids in the elimination of all illnesses in the physical, mental, and emotional realms. Reiki can also assist you to balance or clear the chakras, by removing blockages, and allowing for energy flow again.

Reiki is tremendously effective at emotional healing and trauma recovery, and can be used to clear unwanted thought patterns, as well as be sent across time and space to your own past and future, healing the collective consciousness.

Reiki also has the ability to go beyond the surface to find an underlying issue and then reveal it to you in a gentle way, which can help to soothe unresolved or repressed emotions. Depending on a willingness for self-discovery, what comes to the surface will give you another chance for evaluation, and a different choice can be made with fresh eyes and a new perspective. 


I use Reiki on myself every day, and have always considered it as a natural form of antidepressant. I use Reiki with my family and friends, and to raise the vibration of my food and water. I make offerings to plants and animals as I encounter them. I charge up crystals and infuse Reiki into jewelry so that I (or the wearer) is imbued with its vibration, which also enhances the healing properties of the stone. I also use Reiki to raise the vibration in spaces I occupy, as well as in sessions with clients. The possibilities really are endless!

I am attuned to Reiki I, II, Reiki Master, and Reiki Master Teacher. It is through study and ceremony that I was attuned to both the lineages of Usui, and Tibetan Reiki Ryoho; however anyone can be attuned to Reiki. In a personalized training with me as our teacher, you will learn how to send and receive the healing light of Usui Reiki. I work with my guides and clairsentience to build an intentionally based, area of life focus Reiki attunement, specifically for you. Once you have completed the training, you will receive a Reiki attunement.

Being attuned to Reiki will open you up to a higher vibrational state. Regular practice allows you to create a deeper connection to your own inner wisdom, higher self, & your angels and guides. You can also heal yourself and others, anytime you want.

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